Fair. Exciting. Motivating. Competitive.

Security with a base; opportunity through incentives.

Our reps receive a guaranteed base pay when they show Cutco to a qualified potential customer. So they get paid whether or not the customer purchases.

Our reps are not pushy, and we don't want them to be. The guaranteed base pay takes the pressure off our reps so they never have to be rude or forceful with potential customers.

But, you ask, "How can they pay reps when a sale is not made?" Great question. Since most people who see Cutco choose to purchase at least one knife, we can create a safety net for all of our reps. We want to encourage and provide incentives to our reps to put themselves out there and try to make a sale. You're not always going to make a sale with a potential customer, and that's ok.

While our reps are guaranteed to make a base pay each time they show Cutco, they can earn more than what's guaranteed through incentives from completing a sale. Additionally, we pay on a weekly basis, so you'll receive earnings for your hard work at the end of each work week.

What to expect.

It is very possible for reps to do well right out of the gate, but success is not guaranteed. We are definitely not a "get-rich-quick" company and we take pride in our reps for being the hard-working and motivated individuals that they are.

Successful reps tend to share a few common traits: persistence, diligence, and commitment.

There is opportunity for reps to develop professional skills while also earning income. Check out some of the more inspiring success stories from our very own Vector Marketing reps:

Ozzy Garcia
Britta Bakter
Austin Oberbillig

Our recruiting managers go into further detail about the pay structure in an interview setting, so be sure to schedule one today!